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As part of building the entrepreneurial ecosystem at GITAM (Deemed to be University), we have partnered with Northeastern University, Boston, to harness their globally renowned expertise in Venture Development.
Their program, NU-IDEA, is a three-stage venture development process called the Ready-Set-Go & a flagship framework is replicated at GITAM (Deemed to be University) to support our entrepreneurship goals & empower our students. More details can be obtained Click here
TiE Andhra Pradesh, a chapter of TiE Global with a total of 60 Chapters in 17 countries, is a nonprofit organisation devoted to entrepreneurs in all industries, at all stages, from incubation, throughout the entrepreneurial lifecycle. With a global reach and a local focus, the heart & mission of TiE efforts lies in its five foundational programs – Mentoring, Networking, Education, Incubation and Funding.
TiE Andhra Pradesh aims to enable Andhra Pradesh to lead the collective dream of New India and the development of Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Start-up culture by collaborating with Corporates, Educational Institutions, Government Departments and Trade Bodies to build a healthy ecosystem. GITAM (Deemed to be University) is a proud Charter Member of this visionary not-for-profit organisation. Click here to know more about TiE Andhra Pradesh.
VCCI- Visakhapatnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry was incorporated in 1931 by forward-looking businessmen of Vizag. The main objective is to understand the problems of the business community and work out effective solutions in coordination with state and central government to foster the industrial growth and social wellbeing of Visakhapatnam and other districts of Andhra Pradesh.
Staying very true to its objective and changing times, VCCI has formed a dedicated Women’s Wing (WW) to promote Women in Entrepreneurship & Business. In addition, they have partnered with GITAM (Deemed to be University) for the educational and framework development for these aspiring women entrepreneurs from Vizag and to enhance the skill required to be successful women entrepreneurs and empower women through increased exposure to the global scenario. Click here to know more about VCCI- Women’s Wing.


Venture News